As Scotland and the UK seek to achieve net zero by 2045 and 2050 respectively, we are seeing a rapid increase in clean energy production across the country.
Much of this clean energy will come from the North Sea, through offshore and floating offshore windfarms, such as Green Volt. Aberdeenshire, and the Peterhead region in particular, will be at the heart of this transition as clean energy comes ashore and is sent to where it is needed.
While these clean energy projects will bring significant benefits to the region, from jobs, to skills, and inward investment, we know that there will be a level of disruption for some of those living in the region – particularly during the building phase.
Green Volt is a key part of the INTOG leasing round and having been awarded a Contract for Difference (CfD) from UK Government in September 2024, remains on track to generate power from 2029, as Europe’s first commercial scale floating windfarm.
As a front runner project, Green Volt will be active in a number of development discussions in the Peterhead area and the project team is committed to setting the highest standards in developer conduct and setting expectations.
Decarbonising the operations of existing oil and gas facilities in the region’s North Sea is clearly important in our drive towards meeting Scotland’s commitments under the North Sea Transition Deal (NSTD) and we are dedicated to achieving this in the right way over the years ahead.

Offshore wind, interconnectors, Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) and electrification of oil and gas projects are all being developed in the Peterhead area. As such, a Peterhead Developers Forum has been formed with the aim of collaborating to ensure the most efficient use of high demand land areas and increase communication and collaboration where feasible to minimise disruption.
Peterhead Developers Forum objectives
- Share understanding between developers and asset owners with projects making landfall, or potentially making landfall in the Peterhead area.
- Consider the possibility of collaborating in relevant areas
- A platform for developers to understand each others’ plans, share information on best practice for safety, environmental, consultation and operational aspects in the Peterhead Area, and consider potential collaboration
- Reduce disruption caused to the local community and other affected stakeholders
- Expedite delivery of clean energy projects
- Reduce overall cost of delivery and operation of clean energy projects
Peterhead Developers Forum meetings
- Meetings are held monthly, currently on the final Friday of the month 10-11.30am, on Teams
- Meeting attendees are project managers from the projects involved
- The intention is to include as regular attendees by invite to some sessions: Crown Estate Scotland, regulators (Marine Scotland) and potentially local authority representatives (Aberdeenshire Council) to discuss agreed topics of relevance
- Additionally, regulators (e.g. Crown Estate Scotland, Marine Scotland, Aberdeenshire Council) will be invited to some meetings to engage relevant public sector bodies and enable dialogue on key issues
In January 2023 the Salamander project brought together a range of developers operating in the Peterhead area and convened the inaugural Peterhead Developers Forum.