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Green Volt windfarm


With environmental surveys starting in 2020, the Green Volt project reached a significant milestone in April 2024, receiving both onshore and offshore consent.

Having received the necessary planning approvals and in September 2024 being awarded a Contracts for Difference (CfD) by UK Government, the project remains on track to be the first commercial-scale floating offshore windfarm in Europe.

Saving around 1 million tonnes of CO₂ each year
£2.5 billion Gross Value Added

*with over £1.3 billion GVA to UK economy alone

Over 2,800 direct jobs during construction

(and 100 direct jobs during the operational lifetime)

Developed under Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round, Green Volt has already achieved the following:

Site exclusivity signed

Full onshore and offshore consent granted

Catalysing a Scottish and UK supply chain for floating offshore wind

Targeting first power in 2029, Green Volt will significantly contribute towards:

Local and national job creation

Scotland’s 2045 net zero target

Reducing Scotland’s offshore emissions by 50% – a key North Sea Transition Deal goal

The UK’s target of 5 GW of floating wind by 2030