The Green Volt offshore windfarm has now been granted permission for construction, installation and operation of both onshore and offshore infrastructure.
As the project proposes a greater than 1 MW offshore generating station it requires consent under the Electricity Act 1989 (as amended) and marine licences under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (beyond 12 nautical miles) and the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 (within 12 nautical miles). This consent was granted by the Scottish Government on 19 April 2024.
On 21 March 2024, consent for the onshore infrastructure (buried cable and new substation) was granted by Aberdeenshire Council under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, following consideration as a national development project under National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) (2023).
Offshore and onshore Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports were submitted as part of the consent applications. The offshore consent application (for section 36 of the Electricity Act and the marine licences) was submitted to the Scottish Government Marine Directorate on 20 January 2023, and the onshore application to Aberdeenshire Council on 03 August 2023.
A range of studies and surveys have been conducted to inform project design and application process. Consultation with the public and key stakeholders has also informed the project and fed into the consenting process.
To view all project documentation, please see our Document library.
Offshore and onshore Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports were submitted as part of the consent applications. The offshore consent application (for section 36 of the Electricity Act and the marine licences) was submitted to the Scottish Government Marine Directorate on 20 January 2023, and the onshore application to Aberdeenshire Council on 03 August 2023.
A range of studies and surveys have been conducted to inform project design and application process. Consultation with the public and key stakeholders has also informed the project and fed into the consenting process.
To view all project documentation, please see our Document library.